Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer

von Fossie
Do 8. Mär 2018, 00:35
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: EuroKat 8 2018.
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19178

Re: EuroKat 8 2018.

So about 14 of us Brits will be arriving in Holland on Thursday 14th in the morning. Travelling up as far as Hamburg in the evening. We will be stopping near the Dutch/ German border possibly Osnabruck for fuel / dinner. 8-) We will be travelling on Friday morning to the site in Denmark. Returning o...
von Fossie
Di 7. Nov 2017, 00:21
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: EuroKat 8 2018.
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19178

Re: EuroKat 8 2018.

Third weekend in August. 17-19
Venue is http://www.touringcamp.dk
Soren has booked a pitch for us.
No reservation needed for tents and cabins are available but not bookable till January 1St.
Will post more info as and when I get some.

von Fossie
Mi 4. Okt 2017, 22:28
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: EuroKat 8 2018.
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19178

EuroKat 8 2018.

Sorry this is in English :oops:

We have the dates for the next EuroKat (8) August 17/18/19. In DENMARK. :P 2018

At the moment no actual location, but I thought I would give you the dates to make arrangements.

When we know more we will let you know. :?
von Fossie
Mi 24. Aug 2016, 22:06
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: VII. EuroKAT
Antworten: 59
Zugriffe: 52827

Re: VII. EuroKAT

Von uns alle hier in England .......und wales.... Wir wollen ein riesen danke schon fur die tolle wochenende mit alte und neuer freunde Wir sind alle gut nach hause gekommen.

Bis Danemark 2018!!!! 8-)
von Fossie
Sa 6. Aug 2016, 15:02
Forum: Ich bin neu hier!? I´m new here!?
Thema: Hello
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 7605

Re: Hello

Greetings fellow milkman/monkey.........see you at EuroKat ,ich kan auch nicht Deutsch schreiben!
von Fossie
Sa 6. Aug 2016, 13:28
Forum: Ich bin neu hier!? I´m new here!?
Thema: Hi there from England.
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5792

Hi there from England.

Hello people am I welcome even though some of you know me? :?
Amanda and I thought we should introduce ourselves again as it has been 2 years since the last EUroKat in Wales. Is it ok if we come this time..?...........we are coming anyway....... :roll: :P