Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer
- Mi 1. Jun 2016, 23:49
- Forum: Termine / dates
- Thema: VII. EuroKAT
- Antworten: 59
- Zugriffe: 54319
Re: VII. EuroKAT
Well done to the Katana owners club for the fantastic Kat Party last weekend. The organisation was amazing and everything ran very well. I was impressed from the reception on the gate, to leaving leaving 36 hours later. The location was perfect and you booked perfect weather for the time I was there...
- Mo 23. Mai 2016, 20:42
- Forum: Ich bin neu hier!? I´m new here!?
- Thema: Hello
- Antworten: 6
- Zugriffe: 7773
Re: Hello
Hello Silverlinekatana, your suggestion means a lot to me. However since I last lived in Britain there are now motorways, wheels are round and we put air in our tyres. Yes it really was that long ago. I don't have a Kat yet but I know someone who is thinking of selling and maybe we can strike a deal...
- So 22. Mai 2016, 23:48
- Forum: Ich bin neu hier!? I´m new here!?
- Thema: Hello
- Antworten: 6
- Zugriffe: 7773
Just joined and hope to be at the Katana Treff next weekend. I can speak German but cannot write it so well so apologies to any that feel I should write in Deutsch. Ive owned Suzukis for many years and hope to buy a Katana soon. I live in NRW near to Bielefeld. 50 years old. Like most people, I work...