Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von jimmy400
Mi 24. Aug 2016, 12:44
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: VII. EuroKAT
Antworten: 59
Zugriffe: 52830

Re: VII. EuroKAT

We want to thank everybody who made our holiday and Eurokat a great adventure. We made it home safe and well.

Jimmy, Su and Jake.
von jimmy400
Do 14. Jul 2016, 09:42
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: VII. EuroKAT
Antworten: 59
Zugriffe: 52830

Re: VII. EuroKAT

Also looking forward to seeing our European friends. We will be in Germany the week before Eurokat, staying with Dave & Suzanne for 3 days, then Heinz until the rally. Pedda on the Sunday night and the ferry back on Monday.
von jimmy400
So 10. Jul 2016, 12:23
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: VII. EuroKAT
Antworten: 59
Zugriffe: 52830

Re: VII. EuroKAT

1. Martin (Ludwig) und Gabi 2. Thomas und Bärbel? 3. Micha (Berlin) 4. René (eightball_hotrod) 5. Carsten ( bugglider ) 6. Chris (Silverlinekatana) 7. Amir (Kat750ana) + 2 zedfahrer 8. Ralla 9. Michael 10. Martin und Susannne 11. Heinz + Petra 12. Achim (Oldschool) 13. Iris 14. Cord 15. Jimmy, Su + ...
von jimmy400
Di 31. Mai 2016, 15:35
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: !!! Save the date !!! 50. Suzuki Katana Treffen 2016
Antworten: 169
Zugriffe: 149541

Re: 50sten

May I show your videos on the uk website.

von jimmy400
Mo 30. Mai 2016, 01:58
Forum: Termine / dates
Thema: !!! Save the date !!! 50. Suzuki Katana Treffen 2016
Antworten: 169
Zugriffe: 149541

Re: !!! Save the date !!! 50. Suzuki Katana Treffen 2016

Greetings from the UK.

So pleased you all had a great weekend, can't wait to see you in August.

Jimmy & Su. :D